OFSC WHS Webinar – Traffic Management – Presentations and Q&A Session

The Federal Safety Commissioner’s July WHS webinar focused on temporary traffic management. The webinar aimed to increase education and awareness around the current requirements for temporary traffic management, both under the Scheme and in state and territory jurisdictions.
Federal Safety Commissioner David Denney hosted the webinar, with approximately 500 attendees from companies, regulators, and industry associations.
Introduction and Scheme audit criteria for Traffic Hazards (25 mins)
Commissioner Denney opened the webinar with data on the frequency of traffic related incidents and the outcomes of OFSC audits related to traffic hazards. Following this, he handed over to Federal Safety Officer Sean Welsh, who spoke about the WHS Accreditation Scheme audit criteria that applies to temporary traffic management, discussing in detail the requirements of each criteria, and where companies can look to find appropriate guidance.
Traffic Management Association of Australia Overview and Emerging Tech (12 mins)
The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) is the national peak body and voice for the Traffic Management Industry. Andrew White, TMAA President and Managing Director Workzone Traffic Control, presented on how TMAA seeks to ensure mandatory safety, training and development practices are uniformly implemented across the industry. Anthony Simmons, TMAA National Secretary and Business Development Manager of Traffic Diversions Group, presented on emerging technologies in temporary traffic management.
Toowoomba Regional Council - Traffic Management for Scheme Accreditation (12 mins)
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) are a Scheme accredited entity. TRC’s traffic management officer Adam Brighouse presented on Scheme accreditation, particularly in relation to Australian Standard AS1742.3 and the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management.
Q&A Session (7 mins)
Following the three presentations, Commissioner Denney moderated a Q&A session addressing some of the key questions. Topics include requirements for a completing a traffic management plan, dealing with local jurisdictions, and what level of risk management is required under the Scheme.
OFSC Online Education Webinar Series
The following webinars can be viewed on the OFSC website:
- Scaffolding Risk Management
- Lift Planning for Crane Risk Management
- Articulated Cranes
- Ground Conditions for Crane Risk Management
- Scaffolding Tampering and Managing Principles
- Secondary Safety Systems for Elevated Work Platforms
Please send any feedback on the above videos and subject matter to ofsc@dewr.gov.au with a subject heading of “OFSC Webinar Feedback.”
The next webinar will be held on mental health in the building and construction industry, on Tuesday 30 August 2022. If you are not an accredited company but wish to be invited to the next webinar, please send an email to fscreporting@dewr.gov.au.